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**Pleiadian Light Forces Transmissions 11242022**
Channeled by Michael Love

A Special Message to the Starseeds of New Earth, for Immediate Planetary Broadcast.

Down through the ages, the Pleiadians have brought inspiring and hopeful messages to humanity, and tonight we give you this special Pleiadian teaching about personal vibration and ascension.

**Begin Transmission…**

Great One,

Earth humanity was created 450,000 years ago by advanced fifth-dimensional geneticists who came to Earth. These first Earth humans were created with only two of their twelve possible DNA strands activated, producing lower levels of consciousness. These two-stranded DNA Earth humans were indigenous to this planet, and their descendants inhabit the Earth today. Another species, however, came along later and began co-existing on Earth with native humanity. This other species is just as human as native Earth humans; however, they do not originate from Earth. These other-worldly humans came from fifth-dimensional star systems to assist Earth humans in their conscious evolution. These benevolent star beings are referred to as Starseeds, and they are no less than angelic beings in human form.

“Humanity was created a little lower than the angels but was crowned with glory and honor.”
**- The Pleiadians**

Fifth-dimensional Starseeds knew before they came to Earth that the best way to help raise the vibrational level of native Earth humans was to blend in as one of them and to provide this assistance from the inside out. Starseeds agreed to lower their density and come down into the lower physical realm, incarnated as the children of native Earth humans. This coming down to Earth involved coming with a state of amnesia about the trip itself and about who and what one truly is. Furthermore, the Starseeds agreed to begin their journey on Earth with none of their higher supernatural abilities intact.

Around 4.5 billion of these Starseeds are walking on the Earth today; however, since they have lived closely among third-dimensional humans for so long, many assume that this is what they are. A Starseed human is certainly no better than a native human; it’s just they typically have an additional primary strand of DNA active, and they operate at a higher level of consciousness. This difference in species is detectable by one’s consciousness, and therefore, young Starseeds are often the black sheep of human families. They usually feel they don’t fit in or that something must be wrong with them. In time, and as one evolves their consciousness, the truth behind this being different is revealed, and one then accepts and even begins to embrace who and what one truly is.

You are a divine being that came to Earth on a grand mission. You are here on Earth, helping humanity evolve its consciousness and doing this process with them. As a part of the Earth collective, you are working to evolve your own being back to the higher realms where you started from.

Make no mistake, this was the hardest mission ever undertaken in the universe, and you knew all that was involved before you came. Before you departed on your mission to Earth, you created a magnificent plan that included every detail of every lifetime you would experience here. You planned the wonderful stuff that would happen to you, and you also planned the not-so-wonderful stuff. One may ask, “Why would I create hardship for myself this way?” We know the answer, and we were with you, helping you put your plan together. You did this because, in the state of perfection where you came from, there is no duality or contrast, and you desired to experience the duality and contrast of the third dimension and see how you would overcome it. You considered what it would be like to come down from a perfected state, lowering your vibrational density. You were aware that lowering one’s vibration equals pain and suffering. You considered the goodness of relieving the sufferings of others first, so after your contemplation, you made the brave sacrifice on behalf of all humanity and the cosmos itself. You then closed your eyes, took a deep breath, and with all the others, you jumped, and from heaven to Earth, you came down!

Here you are, standing strong and overcoming the entire world! Since you have been here, you have changed things dramatically and positively. You have not only increased your vibrational level and evolved your being to much higher levels of conscious awareness, but you have also elevated the vibration of this entire realm.

The Pleiadians have a primary and simple teaching that says, “Always vibrate high!” A high vibe is a foundational requirement for conscious evolution and ascension, and beyond this basic requirement, if one’s vibrational level is high enough, they have access to abilities that are no less than supernatural. They would be able to shift to alternate realities at will, and the body can become immortal. All of this is just the beginning!

**What is a personal high vibration?**
It’s simply the speeding up of one’s sub-atomic frequency, which allows for higher consciousness levels.

**How does this high vibe feel?**
This high-vibe feeling is the most magnificent feeling of all! It’s that feeling you experience when you fall in love. It’s the feeling you have when you listen to an awesome song. It’s a feeling of awe, bliss, and it’s when you’re in the flow and in the zone! It’s when your spine tingles with pleasant chills, when a tear wells up in your eyes and when there’s that lump in your throat! It is the highest feeling in the universe.

To ascend to faster-vibrating dimensions and be able to perceive and experience their wondrous realities, one must engage in certain practices that will increase the vibration of their being. Nothing is more important than raising one’s vibes because one can reach amazing levels of perfection; ultimately, this perfection has no end.

**Here are the primary ascension techniques for speeding up one’s internal vibration:**

1. **High-Vibrational Food:**
One becomes what one eats, so ingesting high-vibrational food is required for light body development and ascension. The golden rule is always to eat natural energy foods, known as superfoods. Superfoods contain the highest vibrational energy and nutrition levels and promote optimal cellular function in the human body. Always drink plenty of pure, natural water rich in magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, and other trace minerals.

2. **Nature:**
Another powerful way to raise one’s cellular vibration and increase consciousness levels is to be in nature. If one notices, one will see that everything powerful, good, and healthy comes from nature. Nature emanates the field and essence of life itself. Knowing this is the knowledge of the master. Nature will align you with the power of the universe and heal all that ails you, so just be close to it.

3. **Solar Yoga (Sungazing):**
Solar yoga, also known as sungazing, is a fast and powerful way to increase one’s vibration. Solar yoga was called Vedic yoga, Vedic dharma, the yoga of the sun, and was referred to as the yoga of light by the ancient Lemurians. Ancient solar yoga receives intelligent cosmic information through the human eye.

4. **Meditation:**
“The universe is mind, and meditation is the tool used to operate it.” – The Pleiadians
Deep transcendental meditation is a primary and powerful way to raise one’s vibration, greatly expanding consciousness levels. Meditation also produces profound, tangible healing results. Many master meditators can heal diseased or damaged body parts in minutes, not only in their own bodies but in others’ bodies. Furthermore, transcendental meditation can completely reprogram the subconscious mind and allow the rapid physical manifestation of anything one can imagine. Meditation creates special states of consciousness that allow direct access to the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind controls nearly all physical life and is the source of all physical manifestations. Practice visualizing and focusing on your desires while meditating to greatly improve manifestation skills.

5. **Crystals:**
Crystals are powerful natural ascension tools that modulate etheric energy in different ways for the benefit of the auric field of the body. Know the different structures and functions of crystals and keep your favorites near the body’s electromagnetic field.

6. **Sacred Breathwork:**
Sacred breathwork is the lead-up to deep meditations and is a powerful way to quickly raise one’s vibration. Breathing in and out, slowly and deeply, changes one’s brain waves or vibrational rate, which is the induction into different meditative states of consciousness. This slow and deep breathwork is also one of the fastest mind and body healing techniques known.

7. **Sound:**
Sound is another powerful ascension tool that can directly increase vibrational levels. Sound is a primary creative force of consciousness that can be used in different ascension modalities, including music, singing, mantras, chants, power words, positive affirmations, toning, and binaural beats. Just like a resonant tuning fork, the DNA of the body will tune itself to different sound frequencies.

8. **Creativity:**
Forms of art, energetic movement, and being creative or creating things are also powerful ways to raise one’s vibration. As a divine creator being, one is most aligned and fulfilled when one is creating. This is because, as a universal creator, this is your primary nature.

9. **Sacred Knowledge:**
The Pleiadians teach that light is information and darkness is simply the lack of information. To have light and be the light, spend time each day gaining sacred knowledge on many subjects. Gaining sacred knowledge increases one’s vibration and expands consciousness levels.

Most importantly, **have fun with it all!**

“Have fun, all the time!” – The Pleiadians

Let’s face it; if something isn’t fun for someone, their vibration is low! In everything we have suggested here, it is critical to approach it all like a small child and just have the ultimate fun with it. If it’s not fun, see why not and start making it fun. Laugh and play every day in whatever you are doing, and simply have fun. We can’t think of anything greater to tell you than these words. Do only what you love and enjoy every now moment of life. Live life to the fullest because this is the whole purpose of living. Doing things you enjoy and things that make you feel good causes every particle in your cell to speed up and spin faster than the speed of light!

“Ascension requires love and love is the highest vibration.”
**- The Pleiadians**

Love with all your might and all your being! Love self and others with all your heart, mind, and soul, because this fulfills all laws of the universe! You only get what you give, and this is the secret to love. Give yourself some nice things and do some nice things for yourself.

An important form of love is to block and protect yourself from lower toxic energies. Learn to say no and set up some new safe energy boundaries in your life. Do not allow lower, draining energies including toxic people, environmental toxins, and third-dimensional matrix toxins into your space.

You are the highest being in the entire universe, so start acting like it! Be sovereign in your ways.

Dear One,

Thank you for coming to Earth at this time to assist all of humanity. We applaud you for your effort and courage and for all that you have achieved. You have changed this world just by being present. Without you, there would be no high vibrations here and for this, we thank you.

Take a vibrational inventory from the teachings above and see if there is any way to crank the vibration up even a bit more! You’ll be glad you did.

Keep doing your good work, because it’s working! Imagine what would happen when this ‘high-vibe’ idea catches on?
We tell you, it is catching on and on and on and on, so don’t stop!

*Feel free to share your thoughts about what we have said. Share any experience you may have had, and let us know how you are doing on your great spiritual journey.*

**Michael and the Pleiadians**

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*Recommended source for Monatomic Andara Crystals: [Andara Enterprise Shop](*